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Mccurd .lorry Efficiency.
The manner in which many coMmerertal 'chides have withstood the arduous eonlitiens of operation during the last few "rears with the minimum of attention and the maximum of work......
Commercar Running.
Lorries on military service are subject to severe strains and stresses, and pn this account any unsolicited testimony of the performance of individual types or makes under such......
Tenders Invited..
Tenders are invited by the Postmaster of Plymouth for the conveyance of H.M. mails by motor vehicles in and around Plymouth and DevonpOrt. Forms of tender, with fell particulars......
Personal Pars.
Sir Percival L. D. Perry has resigned his position as managing director of the Ford Motor Co. (England), Ltd., but will retain his connection with Henry Ford and Son, Ltd., and......
British Scientific Products Exhibition: 1919.
On account of the very large number of applications that have Been received by the organizing committee of the forthcoming Exhibition of.. British Scientific 'Products ? all t......