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The Derbyshire Oil Analysed.
A sample .of the oil from Hardetoft well was analysed by the late Sir Boverton Redwood, Bart. (the last analytical work engaged in by him before his sudden death), and in his......
A New Transport Scheme.
At the first annual meeting of the Ex-Officers Employment Bureau held on June •2nd, at Winchester House, the interesting statement was made that an organization called " The......
Lighting Restrictions
According to a receut magisterial interpretation of the latest Lighting Order, it, appeara essential that ail lamps, the front glasses_.of which exceed 5 ins, in diameter, must......
Tar Spraying On Roads.
The Automobile Association is receiv- , fog many letters from motor users complaining of the manner in which '•tar spraying is being _carried out 'in certain parts of the......
. Brown Bros.' Report.
The balance-sheet issued by the directors of Baown Bros., Ltd., ahows a net profit for the year ended December 18th last of 242,472. Directors' fees, etc., absorb 1:;13,747,......
Modern .lorries For The L.c.c.
The L.C.C. propose to get six 4-ton oetrol lorries for breakdown purposes on the tramways. Aa the Highways Committee points out; the provision of a heavier type of motor lorry......
Death Of Sir Boverton Redwood.
We record with sincere fagrea the death of Sir Boverton Redwood, which took place suddenly at his home on Wednes day morning, the 4th inst. He was a most eminent technologist in......
Coal For Steamers.
The North and East. Lancashire Commercial Motor Users Association has for some time past been urging the removal of the restrictions on the transport of Welsh steam coal into......
Thornycroft Report.
The report and balance-sheet issued by the directors of J. I. Thornycroft,and Co. Ltd., foe the year ended ally 31e1, 1915, shows an available balance of profit, after deduction......
Long Bus Trips:
Few people realize what long journeys can he made by omnibuses, 'Omnibus .aervices . Yee continually being added to, and soon many more Parts of the 'country Will be linked......
A New Traffic Council.
• The proposed Metropolitan Municipal Tramway a Council has now been duty estab li shed, and the L.C.C: proposes to . . Join. An old association of tram managers of manicioatand......