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Belfast Show.
Our Belfast correspondent write regretting to draw our attention to the fact that his teleg raphed report concerning the exhibits of the Belfast A,griculturat Show, to which we......
Unity In The Unions.
In the light of the critical situation regarding passenger transport in London and its suburbs, an important development is the agreement concluded between the Associated......
Army Lorry Prices.
The prices at which war-worn Government lorries are being disposed of may be of interest to sonic of our. readers. A Daimler three-tormer went at £430; a Maudslay at £383; a......
The Demand For Lorries.
Remarkable proof of the demand for lorries, and the consequent. rise in the prices of second-hand vehicle's is shown by the results of an auction sale in 'Yorkshire of a......
"safety First."
The Automobile Association has adopted the motto "Safety First" for M1 future A.A. and M.U. road signs and 'warnings. The first Signs to be brought up-to-date in this connection......
The Shell Hits
,We have received a most interesting and artistic brochure from the Shell Marketing Co., Ltd. This brochure has been specially prepared as a concise summary of the wonderful......
Identify Your Components.
When purchasing a second-hand vehicle of any description, it is advisable to find out if it is of standard make or built up of odd components. Some small dealers buy various......