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Glc Goes Softly On Night Ban Plan
Still no decision NONE of the industry's uncertainty about the future of lorry operation in London disappeared last week when the Greater London Council agreed to conduct......
M25 Will Beat The Bans
TRANSPORT operators are prepared to accept an accessonly night and weekend lorry ban in London, provided the Greater London Council waits until the M25 is complete. Freight......
Lex Wilkinson Sales Talks
A SERIES of Lex Wilkinson sales seminars for companies in specific industries starts on April 5, a day later than was reported in CM, February 25. The first seminar is for small......
'not For Us'
THE TWO MAJOR British road haulage groups are unlikely to buy North American haulage companies which Pepsico, the soft drinks giant, has put on the market. Several buyers are......
Aired Views
LOCAL RESIDENTS in the Aire Valley, West Yorkshire, are being given a second chance to give their views on the Aire Valley Trunk road east of Bingley. The Department of......