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Ridley Blasts Ptes
TRANSPORT SECRETARY Nicholas Ridley last week attacked the efficiency of the Passenger Transport Executives. Speaking at an Association of County Councils conference, Mr Ridley......
Is This The Way?
ANOTHER hint that the Government likes the route tendering system in the Hereford and Worcester trial area came last week. Transport Secretary Nicholas Ridley singled out the......
Some Sbg Fares To Rise
EASTERN SCOTTISH bus fares are due to rise by between five and 13 per cent from April 1 because Lothian Regional Council failed to give £433,000 revenue support to the Scottish......
Lt Wants Rivals Curbed
COMPETITION WILL damage the rationalisation of London Trans. port's bus netwrok, LT has told the Greater London Council. And LT's passengers watchdog is making its views known......
Will Lt Run Own Coaches?
LONDON TRANSPORT is investigating the opportunities for a luxury coach unit using leased vehicles, but has still to take a decision on whether it will go ahead. It wants to meet......