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10-hour Day: Guin
EEC REGULATIONS governing psv drivers' hours are like a treacle swamp through which one must wend one's way, concluded Lord Kearton at a meeting of the House of Lords European......
Inzar's New De-luxe
IRIZAR coach body distributor Tramontana has added the Newfoundland De-Luxe body to its offerings for the British market. The Newfoundland body is around £10,000 cheaper than......
Blow To Coachlines
THE PSV OPERATOR'S licence of A and H Coachlines of Wakefield has been revoked by the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners because the company's managing director, Harry Tranter, had......
Dial Lobby
UNCERTAINTY surrounding the future of London's dial-a-ride public transport systems for disabled people have prompted the Federation of London Dial-aRides to organise a lobby of......