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Transport Ferry . Expansion
P LANS for an expansion in both the Irish Sea and North Sea services of Atlantic Stearn Navigation Co. Ltd. (Transport Ferry Services) and prospects for further expansion of the......
Commercial Refrigeration Development B Lox Services, A...
(Holdings), has formed a subsidiary, Blox (Polar Blast) Services, to specialize in the development of com mercial refrigeration. Blox began this development three years ago and......
Low-loader Take-over T He Low-loader Specialist Concern...
Son Ltd., of Glasgow, has been acquired by the Proprietors of Hay's Wharf Ltd., and will serve as an expansion to the lowloader side of the Proprietors of Hay's Wharf business,......
Five Per Cent Increase For B.r.s. Men
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT RITISH ROAD SERVICES is to give higher pay to its operating grades. At a meeting between representatives of the management and of union leaders......
Will B.r.s. Seek R.h.a. Membership ?
FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT MOW it is clear that concerns in the 1 1 1 Transport Holding Company's charge are to be given a free hand to run their businesses very much as part......