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Big Scottish Haulier Seeks Contract-to-b Switches
A MONO several large applications noted this week are three contract A :o 13 licence switches, involving 23 vehicles, from a large Scottish haulier, Road Services (Caledonian)......
Scottish (north)
APPLICATIONS (January 5, 1963) J. G. Barrack, Aberdeen, A var., add 1 art. (914). British Railways, Duffmwn, A var.. add 1 art. (14 111ri t). tish Railways, Aboyne, add 1 art.......
Scottish (south)
APPLICATIONS (January 5. 1963) Duncan Barbour and Son Ltd., Glasgow, new A tic., 6 art. (37at), Whisky for Strathleven Bonding Co. Ltd., Dumbarton, in 0.13. James Jack, St.......
APPLICATIONS (January 2, 1963) BERM Road Services Ltd., Carlisle, A Var., add 2 veh. (90. 1. Carson, Carlisle, A tar., add I veh. (3t 19c). Road Services (Caledonian) Ltd........
North Western
APPLICATIONS (January 4, 19631 11. Griffiths and Sons, Anglesey, A var., add I vela (440. Livestock and farm produce within 60 miles. (Veh, at present specified on C lie.)......
APPLICATIONS (January 2, 1963) A. E. Scothern and Son. Parkgate (nr. Botherham), A var., add 3 irls. (1110, W. Carr and Son (Hair/age) Ltd., Bruntcliffe (nr. Leeds), new B lie.,......
West Midland
APPLICATIONS (January 3, 1963) G. E. Taylor, Walsall Wood, new A tic., Luria (411). Wheelbarrows, tubular meet gates, ConstrueIlona/ steel. London, South Coast, Liverpool,......