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Battery-electric Industrial Tractor
A NEW battery electric industrial tractor has been introduced by Wessex Industries (Poole) Ltd., Dolphin Works, West Street, Poole, Dorset. Known as the Wrigley model E.1000,......
Easier Vehicle Washing
rt A UNIT designed primarily for the mixing of a secondary fluid with water in predetermined quantities has been developed by Manley and Regulus Ltd., Wolverhampton. Known as......
Splicing Ropes
A SIMPLE and easily made mechanical splice for fibre ropes has been developed by Cable Covers Ltd., who already make the Talurit wire rope mechanical splice. This new mechanical......
Stoving Finish Black Paint
T HE first trichloroethylene-thinned paint to be sold in Britain has been introduced by I.C.I. Paints Division and is being marketed under the trade description of Tr-borne......
Touring Guides
A CONSIDER ABLE expansion of PI. Continental holiday facilities offered by Wallace Arnold Tours Ltd., Leeds, is reflected in the company's 1963 brochure. A special feature is......