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Tackling Truck Crime
Freight crime costs Europe €8bn a year. And while an EC conference on secure parking heard plenty of solutions, who's going to take responsibility for picking up the tab? Words:......
Chairing A Conference Should Be A Simple Job. But, When
your conference gets taken over by the Belgian truckers' union — air horns, shouting, but thankfully no fisticuffs — in the first few minutes, things take on a more serious......
The Belgian Presidency's Initiative To Harmonise...
warmly. Annemie Turtel boom, home affairs minister in the Belgian government, outlined the key points of the resolution. "There is a clear political push and will for member......
The Move To Improve Europe's Truckstops Began With A 2008
pilot project called SETPOS (Secured European Truck Parking Operational Services). Championed by Danish MEP Anne Jensen and Dutch MEP Corien-Wortmann Kool, the project secured......