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London Pay Answer And Overtime Trouble?
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT TALKS on the latest pay claim by I London's 35,000 busmen are due to be resumed today (Friday) in a far from cordial atmosphere. For though the......
Special Single-deckers For Londonderry
B ECAUSE of difficulties of operating in Derry City a dozen new buses have been built by the Ulster Transport Authority to serve the area. Severe wear and tear, resulting......
New L.t.b. Division A New "central Division" Of The Pi
central bus organization of London Transport will be created this month, and is the latest move in the battle against traffic congestion. The new division will be responsible......
Clyde Valley Transport Study
PA A COMMISSION to inquire into the future transport needs of the Clyde Valley area is the likely outcome of a meeting in Glasgow last week attended by representatives of......
Trent Wants Express Service P Ermission To Run Daily...
from Alfreton to London at half the cost of the present rail fare will be sought by the Trent Motor Traction Co. Ltd. The company plans a service taking 51 hours, with stops at......