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Leasing For E.r.f.
N EW E.R.F. vehicles can now be obtained under a leasin g scheme, usually for a period of three years, arran g ed by the United Dominions Trust. At the end of the a g reed time......
America-u.k. Agreement On Plastics Production
W. ROBERTS LTD., a Turner and J. Newall company, has si g ned an a g reement with the Molded Fiber Glass Body Co. of Ashtabula, Ohio, U.S.A., for exchan g e of desi g n,......
1.0.t. Presidential Address
T HE presidential address to the Institute of Transport by Mr. Keith Granville will be given at the inau g ural meetin g of the 1963-64 session. This meetin g is at the......
Fuel Consumption Up
F IGURES published by the Petroleum Information Bureau show that in the first half of this year the total U.K. demand for petroleum products was 28,313,166 tons. This was 10-1......