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Sequel To Union Man's Road Death
THE death of the former chairman of the Scottish Horse and Motormen's Association, Mr. John Cosgrove (40), of Perth, while a passenger in a heavy lorry, had a court sequel at......
News In Brief
B.O.C. Sale Drivers : Nine drivers of the British Oxygen Co. Ltd., Carlisle arca, entered the la.o.S,P.A, competition for 1962 and, for the fourth year in succession, all earned......
Subsidies, Congestion And Incentives
" AILWAYS have been overtaken by I. the road vehicle; they have proved themselves unable to keep pace with certain forms of transport", declared Mr. J. Silbermann, managing......
Three Accuse D Sent For Trial
'THREE men accused at Harlow Court i on 20 charges involving stolen lorries were on Monday sent for trial to Essex Quarter Sessions. As recorded last week, the men are James R.......
Transport Tribunal
Q1X appeals are down for hearing next La/ week in Lkindon by the Transport Tribunal. They are:— Tuesday, Ocroher 15: Thomas GUY Ltd. v. British Railways Boaid arid Transport......