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13.11.s. Tonnage And
Mileage Drop ToNNAGE carried by British Road L Services during 1953 was 2m. lower than in 1952-39.6m., compared with 41.6m. The mileage covered was 677.9m.. as against 705.5m.,......
Further Wage Talks The Application For A Substantial •...
in the wages of vehiclebuilding workers was the subject of a further meeting last week at Birming ham between representatives of the employers and the trade unions. The National......
E100,000 Of Gearboxes For B.m.m.o.
G EAR BOXES to the value of about £100,000 are being produced by David Brown and Sons (Huddersfield), Ltd., for the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd. They are......
In A Line Or Two
The annual dinner-dance of the Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association will be held at Grosvenor House, London, W.1, on October 4. Sheffield City Council have approved the......
B.t.c. Company To Compete With Rail ?
Q NLY a few weeks after the Minister of Transport confirmed the grant of a licence to Victoria Coaches (Leighon-Sea), Ltd., to operate an express service between Southend and......
Excursion Licence: Third Time Unlucky
rOR the third time in six years, Lake Hotel Coaches, Ltd., Keswick, were refused permission by the Northern Licensing Authority, last week, to operate excursions from Keswick to......
" No Need " For Continental Tour
A FTER a lengthy hearing in Leeds. last week, the Yorkshire Licensing Authority granted permission to Blue Bird Garages (Hull), Ltd., to continue to operate certain Continental......