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Act Could Mean It's 'back To The Jungle'
OTAL deregulation of bus services would be catastrophic in terms f energy, road space, safety and efficiency. So said J. R. Le Fevre of Inited Transport Overseas Ltd when......
Pulling New Fast Ones
:OVENTRY-based operator Aid-Warwickshire Motors has iotified the Metropolitan Traffic :ommissioners of a new exiress service between London's ;atwick Airport and Leeds, iverpool......
Axed Plan Attacked
REATER Manchester County ouncil's decision to axe the ale Dial-a-Ride scheme has een attacked by the Spastics' ociety Action on Disabled Per)ns' Transport Group, ADAPT. At a......
Hong Kong Metrobus
HONG KONG bus operator China Motor Bus Company has placed an order with MetroCammell-Weymann for two 12m extra large Metrobus doubledeckers. The three-axle buses will operate up......
Lt's Budget Is Deferred
ANY DECISION on London Transport's 1981 budget is likely to be deferred until the Greater London Council knows the Government's decision on its 1981/82 transport policies and......