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End Monopoly Call
JUNIOR TRANSPORT Minister Kenneth Clarke has called for international coach services to be deregulated along similar lines to the way in which the Transport Act has removed the......
Caught In The Ad?
VEST YORKSHIRE PTE could be n breach of the 1968 Transport Ict by carrying forward a culnulative deficit of £5.32m. A report by Robson Rhodes, he PTE's chartered accountants,......
Operations Conference
TRANSPORT OPERATIONS ir the 1980s are the subject of I conference organised by the As sociation of District Councils tc be held at the Polytechnic ol the South Bank in London or......
Zonal Plan
MERSEYSIDE PTE has launched a campaign to encourage firms and employers throughout the county to be agents for its zonal bus tickets scheme. A special PTE team has beer set up......
Mayne Line
MAYNES of Manchester have extended one of their stage carriage routes in the Manchester area. Despite objections from Greater Manchester Transport, the North-western Traffic......