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Taking The Bull By The Horns
MR R. W. Ingham-Johnson argues (CM, November 15) that the Ramblers' Association should spend less time worrying about heavy lorries and more time worrying about bulls on public......
Ford Plays Another Card
IN your news item headed BL Trumps Ford Again (CM, November 22) you state that for the second month running, Ford was beaten into second place in terms of commercial vehicle......
Srs In Lancashire
I HAVE read with interest the article Scotland the Brave (CM, November 22} on Scottish Road Services. I would like to point out, however, that the most southerly depot is at......
Landmaster In India
THE Birds Eye View piece (CM, November 22) headed Master is Mindless was interesting because the first time I came across the Landmaster name was in India where about the year......
Model Parade In Manchester
THE SECOND Spring Transport Festival and Manchester Model Bus Show will take place on April 4/5 at the Museum of Transport, Beyle Street, Manchester. The Model Show has been in......
Reflecting On Plates
THE OTHER day while driving along in my 1943 DUKW amphibious lorry having just had a pleasant half hour playing in the Thames, I was stopped by a motorcycle police officer who......
The Hawk, Or Pretty Polly?
MY VISION that The Hawk was a man of the world and a man's man was shattered by his comments on girly calendars (CM, November 22). He stated naked women calendars are not......