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A Guide ,,for: Lecturers On Roads And Transport
M ANY people would like to speak on roads, road transport, motor taxation and kindred subjects, but da not have the necessary basic knowledge at their command. In response to......
Cable Companies Link Up
W E - are, advised that British Insu. lated Cables, Ltd., and Callender's Cable and Construction Co.,. Ltd., have anialgamated, and have founded a new company under the style of......
Greek Press Visits Morris' Commercial Works
S EVEN members of the Greek Press Delegation to this country recently visited the works of Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., at Birmingham. They - were afterwards welcomed by Mr. E.......
Sunbeam Helps To Build Up The Rae
Airframe Jigs, Machine Tooh, and Trolleyhuses. Included in War Programme B ' ORE the war ; the principal product, of Sunbeam Commercial Vehicles; Ltd., .Wolverhampton, was,. of......