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Leyland Reconstituting
its Sales Organization pIPORTANT events are happening in iconneetion with the Leyland sales organization, these including the opening of an office in London at Hanover House,......
Another Link-up Of Haulage Interests?
A S indicated in another paragraph, H.M.F. is to discuss the question of . co-operation with "certain independent associations in Lancashire. If they get together with, say, the......
Purchase Tax On Cars Hits Business Men
AANY operators of commercial 11 1 1 vehicles and thousands of other people in various spheres of businessand industry must necessarily employ " private " cars in the general......
Perspex For Roof And Wall • Lighting
Q NE of the most important factors in any building in vhich work has to be undertaken is ample natural light. This is not only good for the sight of those employed, but also......
London Meeting On Grouping
O N Friday, July 20, at 2 p.m., at the Hoiborn. Restaurant, London, the National Association of Road Transport groups is holding an open meeting of hauliers interested in the......
Coach Operators Meet R.t.c. On Border-line Cases
A DEPUTATION representing motor coach operators in the Sheffield, Rotherham and Maltby districts was received by the North-east Regional Transport Commissioner in Leeds last......
First Post.war Licensing Case In The North-east "thl...
traffic licensing I inquiry in the North-eastern Region since pre-war days will be held at Bridlington Town Hall on July 19. The R.T.C., Major F. S. Eastwood, will hear an......
Looking Into Vehicle Delays At Liverpool
D ELAYS to vehicles at export berths at the docks at Liverpool have been the subject of complaints to the Livertool Port Emergency Committee. The delays are alleged to have been......
'chester Municipal Buses Earn More
C CHESTERTransport Committee's report for the past municipal year shows revenue to have been £80,222, . an increase of £4,732. Working costs at £60,136 shciwed an advance of ,......