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Child Fatalities High In May Road Accidents
A CC1DENTS on the road during May caused the deaths of 125 child pedestrians and child cyclists, an increase of 35 'on the previous month: Total casualties among road users of......
Hull's Good.bye To Its Last Tram
T HE closing down of Hull Corporation's tramways system after 40 years' service was marked by a ceremonial journey by the last tram to be operated. Nearly 50,000 people saw the......
Strong Position Of Scottish M.t.a.
S PEAKING • at the annual general meeting of the Scottish Motor Trade Association, the retiring president, Mr. S. J. Hutcheson, enlarged on the points brought out in the annual......
Scottish Haulage Change I T Is Stated That The Haulage
business of Messrs. A. IVIathieson and Sons, Prestonpans, has been taken over by George Paterson and Sons, Ltd., haulage contractors, • 14, Court Street, Haddington.......
Tyne Toll Bridge Freed
T HE Ovingham bridge over the River Tyne has been freed from tolls. The cost of freeing was £5,500, plus legal charges. The Ministry of War Transport made a 50 per cent, grant......
Contributor's Address Wanted
win.L. Mr. H. M. Houghton, who W recently contributed an article to this journal dealing with the training of maintenance staffs, please forward his address.......
London I.t.a. Meeting
T HE next meeting of the London branch of the Industrial Transport Association will be held on July 17, at 6.30 p.m., at the Institution of Automobile Engineers, 12, Hobart......
Firestone Opens Scottish • Branch Office
W ITH the object of adding to the efficiency of Firestone tyre service and distribution in Scotland, a branch office and warehouse have been opened at 79, Vicarfield Street,......
Profit On Municipal Buses At West Hartlepool
D URING the year ended March 31 last, the transport undertaking of West Hartlepool Corporation made a surplus of £13,644, comprising £10.368 on the motorbuses . and £3,276 on......
Help The J. H. 'turner Memorial
T "j. H. Turner Memorial Fund has now exceeded £2,000', but as the committee hopes that it will be worthy of one who served the industry so well, it trusts that road-tranSport......
Wet Cases Make All The Diff E R Ence The Following Good...
to : its members by the Liverpool Cart and Motor Owners' Association:— " When signing for loads,'particalarly at. the docks, drivers should take care that they qualify their......
Financial News Of The Industry
John Yule (TrartsPort), Ltd.—Private company. Reg. in Edinburgh June 23. Cap. £14.000 in £1 shares. To acquire the business at a haulage contractor and coal merchant carried on......