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A Nay For The Eyes
ON 15 APRIL Commercial Motor featured an article entitled "The Eyes Have It". I would like to draw your attention to an inaccuracy in paragraph four under sub-heading "Minimum......
What Price Fuel?
I WOULD LIKE to notify yourself and the readers of Commercial Motor, that a meeting of hauliers from the south-east of England was convened on Thursday 29 April 2004 to discuss......
The Long And The Short-age Of A Fruitless Job Search
SHORTAGE? What shortage? 1 read in your magazine and others that there is meant to be a shortage [of qualified drivers] but it appears that this isn't the case on the ground. I......
Where Are The Weighbridges?
I NOTE WITH interest that a new vehicle check point is being built on J14 of the M4, presumably by VOSA and Wiltshire Police. It has all the latest technology to enforce the......