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Hoteityt Wade — (got Tke Beat
With reference to H. Gray's letter, I as one driver welcome Wahl and have asked to join the long waiting list. Can any London operators say they have a waiting list before they......
A Peace—
tot otaie? With reference to the new legislation coming into force in 1979 regarding the Certificate of Competence for all users of commercial vehicles.......
D Ea
This is, to me, another step towards our becoming a police-run state. This new law must be one of the most ludicrous ever thought of. They seem to be hoodwinking the transport......
Con Toot Lie Adequate
May I say that I agree with the point made by your correspondent R. H. Rowland (CM March 17) on the matter of public liability insurance cover. Certainly, £50,000 is not......
Flout Ouigex Thiveito Eau Butane
May I congratulate Steve Geary on his excellent article "Owner drivers are banding together" (CM March 17). This showed clearly how owner drivers can survive in the industry......
Kb A/ Kigki La Bgo Tea
I would - like to warn otht lorry owners and drivers last month, while parkin! lorry in a lay-by in South Yorkshire, I was fined £4 parking without lights at night. According to......