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Br Haulage
GOVERNMENT amendlent to the Transport Bill that rould have given British Rail re right to enter the hire and .ward sector of the industry as been withdrawn. Transport Under......
BRITISH Rail is ready to fight for more freight business — that is the message from BR chairman Peter Parker, and he has no doubt that BR Freight will succeed. He told CM last......
briefly debated on Tuesday when it came in for strong criticism from MPs from both sides of the House. Transport and General Workers' Union-sponsored MPs joined Tory transport......
Mp's Hit At Board Grant
l'HE ROAD Transport InJustry Training Board was miticised from both sides of he Commons last week for its 'ailure to give financial sup)ort to proprietors who took m......
Severn Weight
The 32-ton weight restriction on vehicles using the Severn Bridge will remain until June, even though all four lanes will probably be open to traffic by the middle of this......