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Court Threat Over Tachos
BRITAIN'S answer to the EEC's "reasoned opinion" on our failure to implement tachograph regulation 1463/70 was due to be considered by the Council of Ministers yesterday. The......
Improvement In M-way Food, But...
MOTORWAY cafes are improving — but they are still not good, that is the verdict of the latest report from the Egon Ronay Organisation. A spokesman told CM this week: "There has......
Why In Pa 1111031
NATIONAL Freight Corp( ration chairman Sir Da Pettit is to be asked to e: plain why BRS manage] held an annual conferenc in Las Palmas instead of i London. Transport Minist(......
...tgwu Says
buy up areas MOTORWAY service areas should be subject to compulsory purchase orders and there should be rigorous inspection of their facilities. That is the opinion of the......