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L Ondon's Bus System Is Threatened With Another Hack On The
shins, this time by taxi owners charging separate fares to parties sharing cabs. A scheme drawn up by the Department of Transport allows a driver, withLi I e consent of the......
S Nntiment And Nepotism Have No Place In Leyland Trucks. Les
Wharton, managing director, has nude it plain that the Albion axle plant at Scotstoun, Glasgow, will continue only as long as its products are competitive in every respect with......
T I If:speed With Which The Ml Was Repaired At Junction
8 in FIertfordshire last summer, confounding all doom-laden forecasts of crippling delays to traffic. has set a standard by which all other road works will in future be judged.......
J: You Were Driving One Of These Greys
or Fodens more than 23 years ago for the Conseil, County Durham haulage . firm of Sid& C. Cook, one of ywirionner colleagues 'could like to in tile yo in to a party. Indeed,......
Iat C.:risis? Shrugged A Bland Jim Callaghan When As...
he returned from a visit to America and was asked about delicate economic situation that had arisen in Britain. His reply quickly passed into the anthology of political......
B Ritis/ I Rail Is Going Into Car Servicing For Commuters.
The work will be done by franchised garages and the railways hope to make I:1.2 million out of the deal over the next five years. The driver leaves his or her car at the......
T Hrough A Picture-colouring Competition To Run Until The...
March, TNT Overnice hopes to raise thousands of pounds for Mencap, which cares for the mentally handicapped. Brian Rix, who abandoned his sparkling theatrical career to become......