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Bcc Boosts Holiday Bonding Schemes
THE BUS and Coach Council has improved the protection offered by its own members' bonded coach holiday scheme, in the face of the Association of British Travel Agents' attempts......
French Competition
VOYAGE NATIONAL, the National Bus Company's French coach subsidiary, has applied to the West German authorities for regular service authorisations to link points in West......
Herts Seeks Ops
HE RTFORDSH IR El County Council has put the First of its services out to competitive tender in response to the Transport Act. The first three, operated by London Buses and......
Glc Funds Anti 0-p-0 Campaign
Capital Transport, a Greater London Council-funded pressure group, haS stepped up an anti-one person bus campaign in response to London Buses' plan to extend 0P-C) in central......
Ensign Builds Up In London
ENSIGNBUS of Purflect has strengthened its hold on the London sightseeing tours market by taking over Ebdons Coaches' London tours. Sidcup, Kent-based Ebdons is to continue to......
Computer Bosses Buy Business
NBC Computer Services, the National Bus Company's computer company, has been bought out by its staff and manageinent. The company employed around 150 and was due to be closed......