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First Settlements
THE FIRST v.4L;e settlements of the winter have been agreed by hauliers and drivers in Eastern and Southern England, but negotiations in topof-the-wage-league Liverpool are......
Truck Sales Are Set To Meet Target
SOCIETY of Motor Manufacturers and Traders forecasts of 56,000 trucks over 3.5 tonnes being registered this year look certain to be accurate. Statistics just released by the......
Fta Wants 'due Diligence' Clause
THE l'Rfikil IT I ransport Association has recommended wide-ranging changes affecting operators And drivers in its SlibilliSSiOn to the Road Traffic Law Review. The review was......
Volvo Sl I Ps
VOLVO Truck Corporation estimates it will deliver slightly fewer trucks this year than its record year of 1984 when the total was 42,200. In Europe, it has increased its heavy......