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■ Enior Nanagement Course
Students who attended the first RHAionsored senior management course at shridge last November would like to see a ore advanced course in the future and also Ivanced specialist......
'rotecting Our Loads
As part of the security training programme hich it offers. Letchworth College of Tech)logy is arranging a half-day conference, 'der the theme of "Protecting your loads", Dm 2 to......
)istribution I The '70s
"Distribution in the 1970s" is one of six inferences for senior and executive manageant personnel announced by the Manageent Studies Centre, 14 Queen Victoria (reet, London,......
Container Transport
AN ARPAX resin-bonded finish is applied to the ISO plywood-panelled containers produced by the Able Bodywork Co. Ltd., Firwood Works, Thicketwood Road, Bolton, Lancs., to......
Leasing In Belgium
CONTRANS, the Continental container operator, has appointed Grisar and Velge SA, of Antwerp, as general agents, making available the contrans container leasing service in......
Us/antwerp Service
ON APRIL 18 the first of four container ships will leave New York to inaugurate a service with Benelux ports; the first vessel will be the Mormacsea of Moore-McCormack Lines,......
Another Cellular Ship
THE Manchester Challenge, the first of Manchester Liners' deep water cellular vessels (CM November 8) has now been joined by her sister ship, the Manchester Courage. The two......
York Launches Open-top Containers
A HALF-HEIGHT 14ft high) open-top container, designed to carry high-density cargoes like machinery, engines, steel stock, etc., has been introduced by York Trailer Co. Ltd.,......