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'etitioners Disallowed Right
:o be heard from our political correspondent None of the seven petitioners who object parts of the Transport (London) Bill is to be owed a hearing or to call evidence before e......
'ta Nominations I Erseysi De The Ten Members Approved At
a recent Reting of Liverpool City Council to represent oerpool on Merseyside PTA are: Cllr. Stanley lulfield, deputy chairman of the transport mmittee; Ald. Charles Cowlin,......
Seln Ec
• Manchester has appointed its six nominees to serve on the SELNEC PTA. They are Aldermen D. J. Edwards, R A. Fieldhouse, A. Logan, H. Sharp and Councillors G. Mann and C. S.......
Pvoa Dinner-dance
• The PVOA dinner and dance will be held on Tuesday, April 15, at the Connaught Rooms, London. This function should have taken place last September, to coincide with the......
Hungary Next
• With sales to East Germany, Poland and Romania already established, the Truck and Bus Division of British Leyland Motor Corporation, hopes to add Hungary to its list of......
Super Coaches Company Acquired
• The entire share captal of Super Coaches (Upminster) Ltd. was acquired on February 25 by its parent company. P.V.S. (Holdings) Ltd. The company, which operates several bus......