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Mercedes Coach For British Market
rOR what is believed , to be the first time since the 'twenties ,: a full-sized . coach entirely of forei g n manufacture is bein g introdu c ed to, the ,British market: Various......
M.p.t.a. Essay Winners.
ESULTS of the 1962 . e s sayco m peti tion or g anized by-the Municipal Passen g er Transport - AsSociation,' have been announced. Winner of section one, which is open to the......
Manchester Fares Increases Granted
\V/I-IEN . Manchester Corpor a tion and joint operators applied for permission to introduce hi g her bus fares last Thursday, the North Western Traffic Commissioner s were told......
More Pay For S Ome Blackcoats
OAN rises for clerical staff on the Scottish Omnibuses Group, Lancashire United Transport,. Ltd., Rhondda Transport Co., Ltd., Trent Motor Traction Co., Ltd., -and South Wales......