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How Will We Cope With More Freight?
AMA conference told: more rational distribution schemes needed in UK by John Darker, AMBIM EACH PERSON in Great Britain generates 35 to 40 tons of freight traffic a year. And......
Pressure Washer
Kongskilde UK has anounced a high-pressure washer, the Thermobile KR-14. The washer uses a combination of specially formulated chemicals, in solution with water which is......
Soldering Iron
A high-power soldering iron for extra-heavy-duty soldering applications has been introduced by Litesold. The iron is available with either a 60 watt element giving a bit......
Circlip Pliers
Two heavy-duty Milbar pliers are available from A. Levermore and Co Ltd. The model 7R is designed to remove internal circlips up to 7.6cm (3in) diameter and the model 8R will......
Nylon Coupling
Nylon flexible drive couplings— the Nylon Panamech range— are now available from Powder Couplings. Made from one piece of solid nylon, they are said to be joint free, lighter......
Air Valves
A range of quarter turn shut-off valves for use on compressors and low-pressure pipework is now available from Leviss Compressors. The valves are said to be competitive in price......