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Old Faithful Yorkie
York Racecourse recently put up for sale its Ford van after 41 years' service. Back in 1935 VY 6496 cost 6197. It's been used as a horse ambulance, a general cargo vehicle,......
Notts Nosh
There's apparent flexibility among the Commissioners in Brussels if Hugh Featherstone's intelligence service is working correctly. The FrA director-general told a lunch-time......
Cloak And Dagger
There appears to be something in this secrecy business just at the moment. The North West Gas Board told us about a new mobile microfilm unit they have put into service. "It is......
By The Hawk Ifilf.f1 4 41111.k4 Flk For The First Time...
give you a Chinese headline— because this is the way that the Hong Kong Automobile Association started off its acknowledgement for help in its first Driver of the Year......
Talking Turkey
Where, oh where, did my friend Mr Derogobian of Transmodial of Istanbul get to when he should have been at the Middle East Conference in London ? Did he get lost or had he heard......
That Lp More
At a lunch-time meeting for the REA the next day at Nottingham University, our new Editor had the chance to sound off about Denis Healers 7ip increase in excise duty on derv.......
Magurus-deutz 232d Eight-wheeler
I asked the md of the company, Mr Tony McGovern, how the vehicles had fitted into the company's operation and if he could give some idea of the kind of costs. The company had......