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Balance Lorry's 'social Costs'
by CM reporter A BALANCE has to be struck between what the economists and politicians call the "social costs" of the lorry and its benefits, according to Mr Ken Hatcher,......
Danger Plate Law Likely
A FIRST DRAFT of legislation aimed at making information plates compulsory on vehicles carry hazardous loads had been circulated for comment, Mr George MacKay, transport......
LESLEY SMITH, the winner of the first Lady Trucker of the Year award, has given up the life on the roads with a Doncaster haulage company and is to become a demonstration driver......
Lady Trucker Joins Daf
driver with London Transport in 1948. He has also been with the Country Bus and Coach division at Hemel Hempstead before being promoted to inspector. Mr Petrie, 56, is married......