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Impound Fly-tipping Lorries, Says Haulier
e OSE attention to the conditions under which some tipping vehicle j were operated in the London area and if necessary the impounding n vehicles not properly licensed or engaged......
No Rushed Productivity Agreements Will Qualify
T HE eagerly awaited interim report of the Prices and Incomes Board published yesterday offers little cheer to any transport firm seeking to escape the consequences of the......
Allisons Freightlines Reveals Growth Plan
If HE anticipated public offer for sale of Ordinary shares and debenture Stock in Allisons Freightlines Ltd. was made on Monday. Mounthall Securities Ltd. is offering 1,500,000......
Import Surcharge End Boosts Tir
THERE has been a big upsurge in TIR traffic as a result of the ending of the surcharge on imports. Last week the RHA issued a record number of carnets, mainly for return loads.......