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A As A Measure Of Vehicle Utilization And Productivity...
A Unfortunately, this is one of the many fields in road transport in which there is a shortage of reliable statistics. In the most recent official Highway Statistics 1965, table......
Q 1 Am Examining The Trend In Operating
costs over the post-war period and would be glad of information as to any changes in the initial cost of vehicles as a result of variation in purchase tax. A Purchase tax on......
A , Wish To Become A Vehicle Examiner. To Whom Should I...
A As you are in the North of Scotland we suggest you write in the first instance to the Clerk to the Scottish Licensing Authority (Northern), at Greyfriars House, Gallowgate,......
A Some Say The Advent Of Detergent Lubricating Oils Has...
the necessity of running-in an engine at reduced loads and speeds. What is your view? A Although a detergent lubricating oil reduces the likelihood of piston and ring scuffing......
Ln Your Issue Of November 25, Page 39, There Was
illustrated what was described as an Albion Lowlander doubledecker recently supplied to East Midland Motor Services Ltd. In fact this bus clearly displayed a Leyland name plate......
What Is Bacie?
A The initials BACIE stand for British Association for Commercial and Industrial Education. It claims to be the only voluntary organization specializing in all aspects of......
O . Because Of The New Construction And
Use Regulations I am wondering whether it would be more profitable to exchange my "heavy" four-wheeler for a sixwheeler but have doubts as to whether the additional expenditure......