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London May Have First Conurbation Authority
By Derek Moses I N this confused age of talk of integration, co-ordination and conurbation, London may yet lead the way with the establishment of the first Conurbafion Transport......
Park'n'ride Cuts City Traffic
A N experimental park and ride scheme Introduced by Leicester City Transport for the Christmas shopping period has brought very encouraging results, a sp6kesman of the......
Provincial Bus Pay: Employers To Quiz Gunter
pAY talks on behalf of 100,000 provincia busmen were adjourned on Monday whet the employers' side decided to ask Mr. Guntei if an agreement could be concluded during tin period......
M Id-lan Cs 0 Perato Rs To Study Joint Working
S IX mid-Lancashire municipal transport operators lying between the major conurbations centred on Manchester and Liverpool are to discuss joint action in I passenger transport.......
Drivers Halt Modification
MODIFICATION of the automatic gearboxes fitted to London Transport Routemaster buses has been halted—because central bus drivers object to the idea. Routemasters automatically......