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R.h.a Wants Higher Brake Standards
T HE Ro d Haulage Association is to ask thr Ministry of Transport to permit so e existing vehicles to operate at higher ross weights if they comply with the egulations proposed......
E.e.0 Seeks British Transport Views
A LTHOLJGH this country is not a member of the Common Market, the E.E.C. countries are anxious to hear the British point of view with regard to international traffic and......
L.d.o.y. Awards
A T the national committee meeting of the Lorry. • Driver of the Year competition on Tuesday it was decided that a trophy will be awarded to the best novice in the final run-off......
News In Brief
More T.F.S. Sailings: The Transport Ferry Service has increased the number of sailings each week from six to eight on its Continental service. This follows the entry into......
Smith's Mobile Supermarket
G OLNG into service this week with Newcastle upon Tyne Co-operative Society are the first two Shopmobiles built by Smith's Delivery Vehicles Ltd., of Gateshead. Although broadly......