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By-passes Not Used Enough
ROME towns which had been by-passed at tremendous public expense were ;till snarled up at rush periods by some forms of through and long-distance traffic, complained an M.P.......
New E. E.c. Proposals Romplete Liberalization Of Member
States' international coach excursions traffic on January 1, 1968, except where restrictions are necessary to protect regular express services, is proposed in the latest......
Rate Subsidies For Transport?
F OLLOWING the suggestions in Sunderland and Belfast (The Commercial Motor last week) that public transport should be rates-subsidized, the principle has been advocated......
Damages For Du A Dundee Corporation Bus 1- 1 Driver Was
awarded £1,428 damages by Lord Hunter in the court of session last week for injuries suffered in an accident in the Corporation's central depot in August, 1961. The driver, Mr.......
News In Brief
Liverpool Corporation Bonus Scheme: Liverpool Corporation passenger transport committee has recommended the engagement of Associated Industrial Consultants Ltd., London, for a......