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J. R. C. Samuel-gibbon Is New Western L.a.
h i m J. R. C. SAMUEL-GIBBON, al M.A., is to be the new Western Licensing Authority and chairman of the Western Traffic Commissioners. The appointment, which takes effect on May......
Change Of Base Does Not Warrant Revocation, Says Tribunal
T HE Transport Tribunal has now given written reasons for upholding an appeal by Arthur T. Booth (Manchester) Ltd. against the North Western L.A.'s revocation of a two-vehicle B......
News I N Brief
Long-length Steel Rearing Today: The Northern LA. ' Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, has agreed to hold a special inquiry today (Friday) to hear short-term A licence applications by H. L.......
Customs Clearance Is Not A Process'
cLEARING goods through Customs and carrying out documentation does not amount to the subjection of the goods to a process, the Queen's Bench Divisional Court ruled last week......