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Loss Of Repute 'inevitable' For Eight-licence Manager
A part-time bus driver nominated as transport manager on eight different licences has lost his repute after it was found that he had been "carrying out his duties from afar".......
Mblems Maintenance Problems Have Led To The Licence Held By
Aberystwyth-based AJ (Civil Engineering) being cut to four vehicles. The company appeared before the Welsh DTC Roger Seymour.......
30111181118111lieceed The Licence Held By Aa Harrison &...
Lianwit Major, was revoked after Welsh TC David Dixon refused to accept Its surrender. The firm had been called before the TC at a Heath disciplinary inquiry due to poor......
Moving Cfjitiif.
Blyth-based operator Hunter Haulage has had Its licence cut from seven vehicles and four trailers to five vehicles and four trailers for a fortnight by the North Eastern DIG......
Amisinciini Scottish Deputy Traffic Commissioner Richard...
he had nojurisiiictIon to consider an application by William Lantie, of Motherwell, for a certificate of qualification to enable him to act as a transport manager abroad.......
Appeal Over Suspension Upheld
Horsham-based Andrew Mason has successfully appealed against the suspension of his 13-vehicle licence for a week by the South Eastern & Metropolitan TC Christopher Heaps. The It......
Case Highlight There Is A Great Deal Of Difference Between
an operator who takes appropriate action without being prompted, and an operator who only recognises the need to take action when it is pointed out to him. There is a strong......