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Time Traveller
Our anachronistic review in celebration of the universal law...what goes around, comes around. 75 years ago: 24 April 1928 The House of Commons held its third reading of the......
Not Quite Sure What Hull Firm Edwards Logistics Will Make
of its inadvertent inclusion in the latest stunt from former dance music pioneer Bill Drummond (you may remember him as the guy from The KLF that earned a million i pounds and......
Isuzu Truck And Ultraframe Announced The Winner Of The...
'Win a Grafter' competition at the recent CV Show in Birmingham. The keys to the Isuzu Grafter truck were handed over to the winner, James FlIbbert of Acorn Windows in......
Just What Is It With The Transport Industry And Cakes?
This week, we have government transport minister David Jamieson cutting the 'wedding cake' after officiating at the marriage of the Traffic Area Network and Vehicle......