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Phantom Questions
Professor Alan McKinnon is partially right that congestion is not as costly as some 'experts' suggest (Sound Off, CM 3-9 April). But any estimate of the cost of road congestion......
Too Pricey A Show...
I write with reference to the points raised about the CV Show by Albert Hendrikse of Volvo Truck & Bus and Ian Jones of Mercedes-Benz, (CM 20-26 March). It has been clear for......
Long Serving Association
I have just read your article Parking: 2003 space odyssey (CM10-16 April) in which you state: "June will see the launch of the British Parking Association, an official body that......
Congrats On A Great Issue
I would like to congratulate CM on the superb edition which included a Show Guide and the regional spotlight on Northumberland and Durham (CM13-19 March). I am taking the CPC......