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Two Tv Lorry Programmes Rapped
• Two television programmes about road haulage have been given the Bent Microphone Award which Aims of Industry presents each month for radio or television programmes which it......
• Proposals For A Formal Constitution Will Be Presented To
the annual general meeting of the Lorry Driver of the Year competition in November. A draft of the constitution was on Tuesday referred to the finance and general purposes......
• Vehicle Distributors Ford And Slater Have Received A...
bid from Unilever. The bid values the company at £.6.3m. On Monday it was revealed that Unilever had bought British Leyland's 19.5 per cent stake in Ford and Slater. Unilever......
Scamp Case Remitted
• The Transport Tribunal has remitted to the South Eastern deputy Licensing Authority for further consideration a refusal of a licence variation application by Charles Scamp, of......