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Q One Of Our Drivers Has Been Issued .4 ( With One
of the new green driving licences — his normal licence, not hgv. Yet when I renewed my ordinary driving licence recently, I got the old-style threeyear red one again. How is the......
Q Our Company Has Recently Purchased A Towing Vehicle...
unladen weight of approximately 5 tons. Should he driver of this possess an hgv licence? This point was brought up by one If our maintenance ate who says that when towing, the......
Q I Have Been Sent A Reminder To Renew My Hgv
driving licence by the local truffle Area office. The reminder tells me to make my renewal application on form DLG IR but I find that my local post office has never heard of......
Q I Would Like To Know What Opportunities Exist For Higher
educational courses In transport once membership of the Chartered Institute of Transport has been achieved? It seems to me that all that Is available involves fidl-tbne......
Q If A 20-ton-gvw Vehicle Is Travelling At 35 Mph, What
weight would the brakes be called upon to deal with in order to bring it to a stop? A The brakes will have to exert half the weight of the vehicle, ie 10 tons, to produce a......