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Fares Restructure Plan For Tyneside
• Tyneside PTE revealed this week that it is drawing up plans for a comprehensive fares restructure to cover the whole of its region — which could result in passengers having to......
Bus Trial After Rail-cut Threat
• A bus service — proposed as an alternative to the Kyle railway which is under a threat of closure — will go on trial on Wednesday. Ross County Council's development officer,......
Co-op Opts Out
• St Helens Co-operative Society has sold its interest in Helena Coaches to Mr Brian Clark of Wigan who will operate his fleet as Clark-Helena. Mr Clark told CM this week: "I......
Norwich Coacher Pegs Holiday Surcharge
• Mascot Coaches (Norwich) Ltd has pegged the surcharge holiday-makers are having to pay as a result of the floating pound. They have placed a £4 ceiling on the extra money......
Labour Quashes Fares Rise
• The controlling Labour group on Hartlepool Council has quashed a recommendation from the transport committee that all bus fares over 2p should be increased by a penny. Members......