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Bid For Five On B
I T was stated on Tuesday at Cardiff that British Road services stood to lose £1 1,000 a year on local distribution alone if an application by Hill's Transport (Cardiff) Ltd. to......
Spares Shortage A Disgrace, Says Operator
S HORTAGE of spares for commercial vehicles was a disgrace to the country, said Mr. D. Goodfellow, managing director of Kaye Goodfellow and Co. (Transport Consultants) Ltd.,......
Express Service For Berresford's
A r Birmingham on Tuesday the West Midland Traffic Commissioners granted Berresford's Motors Ltd. an express service from Leek to carry customers of Horizon (Midlands) Ltd.......
Bid To Widen B Conditions Fails
C RITICISMS of the service provided by BRS were made by Mr. H. J. Merrison, a director of H. G. Rent and Co. (Highbury) Ltd., on Tuesday. Mr. Merrison sought to widen the......