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West Midland
APPLICATIONS (February 10, 1966) Granary Haulage Ltd., Burton-on-Trent, A var., add 1 art. (81-0. Foodstuffs (human and animal), beer, building and road-making mats., GB. G. and......
East Midland ( '` W
APPLICATIONS (February 9, 1966) Taylors Traffic Services, Bulby, nr. Bourne, Lines, new A lie.. 1 veh. {410. Coal, g g. and loose grain, within 200 miles. Benton Bros.......
APPLICATIONS (February 8, 1966) Dainton Transport, Newton Abbot, new A lic., 1 veh. (5t Sc): 1 art. (510 (tankers). Mainly liquids in connection with Soil Fertility Ltd.. and......
APPLICATIONS (February 14, 1966) K. R. Easter Ltd., King's Lynn, new A lie., 1 veh. (8311: 1 tn. {310 (draw-bar) (pressurized tankers). Mainly industrial sand. GB. If granted,......
APPLICATIONS (February 10.1966) E. M. Douglas (Transport) Ltd., Forest Gate, E7, A var.. add 1 veh. (4t). G.g., mainly within 40 miles. T. O'Connor and Son Ltd., Harrow, Middx.......
South Eastern
APPLICATIONS (February 10, 1966) C. McKenzie, Southampton, new A lie., 1 veh. (7t). Nonperishable goods, Cardiff. Liverpool. London and Newcastle. Colin Ashby Ltd., Boughton......