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Tyneside Chosen For Now It Is The Integration Study...
T HE Minister of Transport, Mrs. Barbara Castle, has asked the Northern Economic Planning Council to report, within six months, on the possibility of a fully integrated......
Dus Inspectors Employed By Kingston") Upon-hull...
to ban overtime. The men belong to the TGWU and an official of the union was due to talk to transport department chiefs last Friday. A TGWU spokesman declined to comment any......
Slow Progress In London Dispute —one Axed
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT A S the London busmen's overtime ban entered its fourth week there were growing signs that services, drastically reduced to cope with the......
F Ive Of The Bus Services Axed By London Transport Under
the emergency measures introduced on January 30 are to be reinstated from February 20, announced the Board this week. This will be made possible by introducing the first stage......