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New Tour Operators Warned Off
INDEPENDENT country bus opera" tors seeking to run excursions in and from North Yorkshire will be vigorously opposed by United Automobile Services, Ltd., said Mr. J. L. R.......
Ford Oiler Conversion
F ACILIT1ES for installing Ford fourcylindered oil engines in various vehicIeS, including Austin and Bedford models, arc offered by Kays (Derby), Ltd., Ashbourne Road, Derby.......
12 More Operators Seek Higher Fares
A PPLICATIONS for higher fares I -1 have been submitted by nine more bus companies and three municipal undertaking. The companies are the West Riding Automobile Co., Ltd.,......
Transport Balance Needs Study
THERE would have been less criti cism of fuel rationing if the balance of transport had been studied in past' years. said Mr. F. H. Cave, president of the Institute of......
" Dispensation " For Higher Fares
B ECAUSE the first phase of ,a fare revision proposed by the Western National Omnibus Co., Ltd., and the Southern National Omnibus Co., Ltd.. left the Western Traffic......
Corby Seven-da
y Appeal Ends A CLAIM that the East Midland Traffic Commissioners had not paid sufficient attention to the volume of, supporting 'evideuce produced at the hearing of an......
Winding-up Case Adjourned
I - 1 A PETITION for the compulsory winding-up of NoUs and Lines Transport, Ltd., of Cclwick Road, Not-, tingham, presented by Harry Smith. Bank Cottage, Spital Hill, Retford,......