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Pallets Increase Dairy Vehicle Loads
T HE design and operation of newtype vehicles. with roller-conveyor floors was discussed last week at a meetMg of the Institute of Materials Handling in London. The speaker, Mr.......
European Free Trade Coming
T HE European common market was one of the first pre-occupations of the new Cabinet this week, writes our • political correspondent. M. SRA, who is.the principal European......
New Synthetic-rubber Factory
A WIDE range of new synthetic rubbers is to be produced from a plant which has just been completed by the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd.. Birmingham. Built on a 12-acre site at a cost......
Motor Industry's Grim Outlook
THE immediate outlook in the British motor industry is extremely depressing. During the first quarter of this year production is bound to be severely curtailed, and it is......
Case For Radio May Stand Better Chance
• C ONSIDERING that the possibility of saving a laree quantity of fuel may have 'more appeal to the Government Departments concerned now than a year ago, Tarslag, Ltd., have......
Israel Seeks French Buses The Dan Bus Company, Who Operate
in Tel Aviv, have applied to the Israeli Ministry of Transport to import 35 Claausson buses from France. Dan use mainly Leylands, hut have decided to buy Chausson vehicles......
No Extra Lorries For Fruit Transport
T HE British Transport Commission successfully objected to an application by F. Davies (St. Helens), Ltd., to the North Western Deputy Licensing Authority last week. The company......
Birmingham Busmen Want An Extra 2s. 6d.
rOLLOWING the grant of an extra I 7s. 6d. a week to London bus workers, the Transport and General Workers' Union are claiming an extra 2s. 6d. a week for busmen employed by......
Staffs Municipal Bus Plan Deferred
T HE proposal by Stoke-on-Trent City Council and eight other local councils to consider setting up a municipal bus undertaking in north Staffordshire has been deferred......
Owner-driver Asks For Lenience
WHEN an owner-driver appeared on VI' a speeding charge before Kidderminster Court last week he asked the Bench to take into consideration that driving the vehicle was his sole......